Patsy Bourassa (On Leave)
Chair | Kamloops, BC
Patsy is a former CEO of several not for profit membership driven organizations spanning 20+ years using business strategies, protocols and systems to grow them into thriving, influential advocates for seniors, businesses and home builders. A former educator, over the years she also developed and successfully built several small businesses in the exercise, manufacturing and cosmetic industries. In 2014, Patsy moved on into private business communications and strategic development as the founder of PDH & Associates. She contracts with Service BC and Industry Training Authority as a Red Seal Trades Exam Invigilator and assists several small businesses on how to develop internal systems and marketing strategies to ensure success as their business grows. A life long learner, Patsy has completed numerous courses from the BC Justice Institute in mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution and coaching and is currently working on her MBA at Athabasca University in Alberta. She is also a long time member of Toastmasters International, has a Distinguished Toastmasters designation and continues to mentor members and participate actively in her local club.