

Where were you 4 years ago when the world shutdown?

March 15th, 2024|

The pandemic taught me the value of in person meetups, a handshake, a hug, and face to face smile. That was all stripped away from us 4 years ago, and now we have the opportunity to be together again, and many still hesitate. WHY? We craved for connection when it was taken away, and now that we have it back, it's time to regroup!

Boost Your Business Story with an Advisory Board

October 13th, 2022|

In today’s episode, Marg Hachey, Managing Director, Ontario and Eastern Canada, shares with us a few of the secrets that helped her build her blockbuster business PLUS why advisory boards play such a key role in business growth including these top 10 takeaways.....

How To Get Connected, Stay Connected and Gro Connected in 10 Steps!

September 9th, 2022|

Building connections is one of the most important ways to help ensure your professional success. Learning how to create and maintain your network can help you find new business opportunities, improve your skills, or attract new clients. Having a solid network of peers, by leveraging the knowledge and experience of new connections, helps women become better leaders, make better decisions, increase profitability, and achieve better results through monthly problem-solving meetings, expert speaker workshops, a coast-to-coast and global network of peers and a professional facilitator......

Doom and Gloom or Voices of HOPE? Tim Shriver’s Reminder to “UNITE: Voices of Hope and Awakening” A MUST WATCH excerpt from EXCELerate2021.

August 28th, 2021|

Have we had enough of “doom and gloom”? As the deadline looms for the USA, Canada and other Nato countries leaving Afghanistan to “What Next and Fear of the Unknown”; to a COVID surge; and ongoing political divisions…the list goes on, I wanted to hibernate and not get up until things changed. But then I started watching Tokyo’s 2020 Summer Paralympics, and saw some of the spectacular feats of the athletes! Amazing and so heartening.....

All You Need to Know About Social Media Marketing

August 27th, 2021|

Although marketing trends are always changing, barely anyone was able to anticipate the drastic changes 2020 would bring. Brands were driven to revamp marketing structures and were compelled to strengthen their online presence. Overall, the competition increased as everyone turned their attention to social media. Indeed, Pew Research Center statistics show that over 72% of adults in the US were avid users of some form of social media last year. Though Facebook still reigns, expect Instagram and TikTok to overtake the platform in terms of user number and engagement.



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