Sherri Munro
Chair | Toronto 3, ON (Currently On Leave)
Sherri Munro is the founder of Munro Consulting Services, and co-founder of Capital Ready, specializing in working with women entrepreneurs, and as a result, enabling them to feel prepared, knowledgeable and confident to grow their business. Capital Ready offers consulting services to better position companies for growth, working with established businesses that want to scale up to seven figures in revenue. Capital Ready creates tailored blueprints that assess barriers and identify opportunities for growth as well as offer consulting services to help them develop human and financial capital strategies. We also offer strategic consulting to financial institutions to help them develop the right language and approach, make meaningful connections and have better conversations with women entrepreneurs. WHY? Because too often business owners don’t ask for the capital they need for significant growth and we want to influence those conversations with lenders or investors. We are driven by our passion to see companies reach their potential and seize opportunities for growth and to position financial institutions to engage in this conversation.