Sarah Wolters
The Machining Center Inc
Belleville, Ontario

Phone: 6139690053
Cell: 6138852302

The Machining Center Inc. (TMC) provides practical, mechanical solutions through ourcomprehensivemachining, fabrication, design, and engineering services. We provide one-stopsourcing for individuals orcompanies who are looking for low runs, custom parts, repairs, turnkeymachinery and reverse engineering or prototyping.

TMC believes that quality, innovative, and practical solutions are best achieved through asynergistic and diverse team. Our team members are creative, ambitious, and empowered by thechallenges that come with dealing with a variety of work.We engage our team by offering projectsthat require constant versatility, enabling us to service a wide range of industries, includingaerospace, agriculture, automotive, nuclear, packaging, and food processing(to name a few)